Our Community Action

Midway Elementary Music Class

Music Teacher Head Start Program

Founded in 2024 by Bakersfield School of Art and Music Principal Natalie Wren, The Music Teacher Head Start Program provides Bakersfield College students studying Music and Child Development the opportunity to experience teaching in real elementary school classrooms, providing paid training, job shadowing, and hands-on experience in their career of choice.

Private Art Smiling student

Young Artist Scholarship Fund

In 2023, we partnered with the BHSD to select one student from each high school in Bakersfield who exhibited exceptional qualities in technical and creative skills to provide a grant allowing them to study advanced art techniques. These students were nominated by teachers across Bakersfield, and were selected on merit. Each student received a personalized curriculum that helped emphasize their natural skills, alongside college prep classes for a degree in studio arts.

Bakersfield's Musical Playground

Bakersfield’s First
Musical Playground

In 2023 in partnership with Murray Family Farms, we helped fund, design, and launch the first interactive musical playground for children and families in Bakersfield. During their yearly Pumpkin Patch, we’re on site to provide free guided music exploration sessions for families to learn and play together.

Get to Know Music Events

Natalie Wren Showing Instrument
Child Learning instrument
Smiling Violin Student
Child's Ukelele lesson

Find us at events throughout Kern County providing free events that invite all ages to get hands on with a variety of instruments, inspiring children and adults alike to explore and have fun learning about self expression and the world of instrumentation.